Saturday, January 4, 2020

I’m ushering in the new decade with my glass raised half empty. Actually, I’m barely able to raise it at all. Six years of living life alone has depleted me. I hear from other “spouseless” individuals that January is the worst month ever. The thought of another year of juggling bills, taxes, house maintenance is overwhelming; add another 12 months of trudging through aloneness, health concerns and the like and life can look pretty daunting. 
Before you run away, I do want to fill this glass with joy. I actually want it to spill over. Like many revving up their fitness routines, I resolve to recharge my emotional engine. It just takes a lot of determination and energy I currently lack. 
The holiday season was a wake up call. I discovered that a houseful of noise and chaos unearthed some unresolved trauma. For six years, there has been little noise in this house; everything is new and in place “ post-Harvey.” Silence and order is the new normal...and it’s safe! Stir the pot and fears bubble over. What if I have to pay for professional painters again? Will I be able to sell the house with nicks and bruises? I did not react to the sensory overload in a healthy manner: my chest hurt, I was bossy and I could not stop trying to put my quiet back together. Now I grieve for what I might have lost over Christmas. 
As much as I adore my children and grands, I’ve discovered I also need my own peer group for healthy balance...friends with similar journeys.  It’s just unproductive to share the ups and downs of unwanted single-hood with adult children. I think it terrifies them.
My eldest granddaughter shared with me her mother’s description of me: She’s awfully independent.” Interesting. Is that what it looks like? I accurately describe it as “in charge with no other option.” If they only knew...I’m often robotic, unsure, sometimes desperate. Six years full. 
Yet, I would like to raise my final 2020 glass with some of that newly found independence, dear granddaughter,  and throw in some new people. Adults please!

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