Thursday, January 23, 2020

I’m just rambling today...fair warning.
My dear friend, Sandy, called yesterday from Arkansas. We met in Tuesday Bible Study years ago and it was “sister love” at first meeting.  Our conversations are honest and deep ( I don’t have a lot of patience with light talk these days.)  She encourages me  and holds me in the grip of prayer. Sister love.
Funny how one phrase will grab your soul. She mentioned the thought of feeling “half” and it framed my current thoughts as I stare down a new year without Rob.
I hate the word “widow” and I strive for “healthy whole being.”  But I’m still half.
Mark 10 describes the joining of husband and wife as “ the two shall become one.”  One.  And then death rips One apart. How can that be? There’s still oneness all over me, but death has divided us in two again; Rob’s solely staring at Jesus and I’m left over as a “one-spotted half,”  trying to fix my eyes on Him as well.
I told you I was rambling and now dreadfully overusing quotation marks . But honestly, how does one completely erase four decades of spiritual union to become singularly whole again?
So I wrestle...

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