“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Loneliness...it is an insidious creature.
I'm not sure which has been the most debilitating, anxiety or loneliness. Moving back into the house has increased both; the battle continues.
A preacher friend once said, "Loneliness is a gift." 
I'm determined to discover the Gift Giver no matter how painful the journey.
Like many of my hard seasons, I'm risking exposure in this search; many walk the same path and together we might find goodness and treasure.
What if we trade loneliness for aloneness with the One and Only? 
I've been asking for a word of guidance, wisdom.
Not an antidote for loneliness, but a hope that my pastor friend is right...
Several days in, I already see opportunity in the lonely hours...PRAYER.
My pastor is preaching his heart out about intimacy with God through prayer. I'm joining him in this discipline.
I've started with six prayer journals, one for each grandchild. In those quiet hours, I'm devoting myself to praying for each one of my precious charges, building a spiritual trust fund for this future generation.
I'm confident the gifts will continue.

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