Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Messiah has made things up between us so that we're now together on this, non-Jewish outsiders and Jewish insiders. He tore down the wall we used to keep each other at a distance. Ephesians 2:14. Msg.

Walls! Easier to build than to tear down. The apostle Paul encouraged Jews and Gentiles to finish the demolition process that Christ on the cross had begun. His shed blood formed the foundation for the two groups to unite and grow as one Church.

Walls! We all keep one around our hearts. Don't let anyone in...don't become vulnerable and show our hurts, mistakes, weakness. We keep adding bricks each time we feel pain or embarrassment.

Walls! Easier to tear down the ones that separate groups and differences than to let down the personal barrier that guards us from possible exposure. Shouldn't that be the first wall to fall?

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