“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Last Week

It’s here! The last week in the last year of my 6th decade. I’m grateful I have made it thus far; my dear Rob and Ellen did not see 70.  Looks like  I will celebrate this upcoming jubilee. 

Three thoughts: look up, look forward, look within. 

Keep looking up! God has never forsaken me, always forgiven me, and remains near to me. Great (past, present and future) is His faithfulness.
I’m looking forward! Yes, the time left on earth is a lot shorter, but eternally it’s, well, eternal. I’m laser-focused on the real future!  I’m looking forward to pouring over the scriptures in a fresh way, intimately reacquainting myself with the biblical giants. Who knows, I might even have a list of questions for them if I ever take my gaze off Jesus. And while I’m waiting for that fellowship, I don’t want to miss anything about my Redeemer as I study and pray. 
And thirdly, I need to search within. My morning prayer ends with “Less of me; more of You, Jesus. Holy Spirit, fill me!” No, not just to be more like Him, but to become so empty of myself that Jesus has the  space to show up and dwell big in me. He’s the Invitation, the Prize, The Way; if I make room for Him to shine, just think of the party who joins me at His Wedding Feast. God willing, the seventies will be dedicated to examination, listening and a lot of shedding. Max Lucado coins it well; Traveling Lightly. My backpack is still full and my weary soul feels it. What am I willing to hand off to and for Him?
Decade Seven, here I come, trusting  and obeying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this. I welcome you to my 70’s club ❤️