“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Stay Close


I relocated my bird feeder yesterday. It was hanging from a shepherd’s hook away from the tree and had become an easy landing pad for the big birds. The doves had moved in, hoarding the real estate, and the former residents were visiting less  often….only a quick snack and run. What a beautiful surprise after hanging it in my Crepe Myrtle; the smaller birds began feasting, nestled among the branches. My little friends seemed happier and more comfortable sitting on their perches.

It got me to thinking; what made the difference? Perhaps, they were now  in their natural habitat. Maybe, because they were no longer in the wide open, they felt connected to something more familiar. That’s not all; before long the tree was teeming with birds. They were flocking to the branches, waiting to be fed. 

A lot like us, don’t you think? When we find our resting place, we relax a little better. It feels familiar, like we were always meant to come home. Every time we connect with our perfect Vine, we linger a little longer because we know He’s going to spread a feast before us. Jesus is going to prune us and we’ll begin to bear a new crop of good fruit. We feel safe, cared for and you know what? We, too, begin to flock; Jesus has time to rub off on us as we abide in Him; He begins to shine through us and others just want a taste!
Remain in me, as I also remain in you. John 25:4

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