“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Monday, December 2, 2024

Mondays with Jesus

I’m again planted back in John 1 today-  verses 16 and 17. Grace upon grace!  Oh, what I have received from my Savior: pardon, forgiveness, rescue, patience, mercy, truth and kindness. Kindness upon kindness!  That profound thought moves me to tears. How often did Jesus show kindness to young John, impetuous Simon Peter…the whole lot?  I’m pretty sure He received much less in return. And I’m guilty of it now. 

Oh, please let me not forget to thank and praise Him for his grace, his kindness and let me show the same to everyone during this season. Not to just those who are lovable, but most importantly, to those who neither initiate or respond in like. Kindness without expectation.

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