“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Thursday, February 28, 2013

And Then The Leaving...
           Written by Tina Farrell to her daughter, Brandilyn, upon graduation from high school

I knew you second only to your God,
A delicate connection of life, blood, and bond.
Small flutters, gentle kicks, my expanding waist...
Oh, how I longed to look upon your sweet face
And then the leaving...

You left my womb this day.
Amazed at the vision, the perfect gift
Shrieks of joy, tears and rejoicing
Warm lights, tepid water, cuddling and embracing,
Nourishment carried from my body to
Your tiny little frame...
What a joy to finally whisper your name
And then the leaving...

You left my breast this day.
New sounds, sweet music, soft toys, warm baths
Gentle caresses and sleepy lullabies...
Our own language spoken through large trusting eyes
And then the leaving...

You left my arms this day.
Crawling, exploring, chubby little fingers
filled with cat whiskers
Rolling, kicking, rocking to and fro...
Always on the move, always on the go
And then the leaving...

You left my hands this day.
Wobbly little lamb legs, testing steps,
Holding, gripping, unsteady ways
A few tiny toe taps transformed into a quickened run
Eyes full of delight, playing in the sun
And then the leaving...

You left my side this day.
School bells, happy faces, bright orange crayons
Lunch in a sack
Games in the yard, basketball hoops,
books to read and a backpack
And then the leaving...

You left the waters this day,
Stepping towards the light of God.
A commitment that affected eternity,
Professing your precious faith with innocence,
Trust and purity
And then the leaving...

You left our influence this day.
New ideas, friends, emotions untamed,
Private times, notes in a book, hormones run wild
Stepping for the last time, no longer a child
And then the leaving...

You will leave our home this day.
Bright, witty, values set,
A new circle of friends, decisions, a future to mold,
Dreams of your special gift, keys only God can hold,
But the leaving won't come...

For my little one, wherever you go,
Wherever God leads,
Three places there are that give leaving no stairs:
Your mother's hopes, your mother's heart and last,
Your mother's prayers.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Gracebits: tidbits of God's unmerited blessings

Life can be hard...life can be lonely...life can be scary...
Sometimes you have to look for the "gracebits" in the midst of life's mess.
1. A favorable report from your kidney doc
2. Urgent prayer requests from across the pond
3. A picture of God's plan in an obscure scripture

You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit. Job 10:12

Thursday, February 14, 2013

If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful
       for He cannot deny who He is! 2Timothy 2:13
Our God is faithful! No matter what we do, God can't be anything but Himself, the True and Faithful One.
He loves us with an Everlasting Love, a faithful love!
Best Valentine Ever!