What a month! God has been whispering for a year, "Make your passion public." He shouted through one PBS documentary on human trafficking a couple of years ago. Had anyone told me that fighting modern day slavery would become my life calling, I would have laughed in utter disbelief. I didn't even know slavery existed, let alone that I would become an abolitionist. But today I have no laughter, only tears and anger that there exists a world of broken young women and little children who have no voice, have no hope, no more disbelief when I hear their stories and come face to face with evil of goliath proportion.
Fast forward and I find myself in the messy trenches. A month ago I sent a couple of emails to friends in ministry and God opened the gates! He's cheering me on, delivering opportunities to speak, pray and fight like daily manna. All because of one small step of obedience.
And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
So what can we do?
Wow,Claire, I missed your comment! I don't ever expect anyone to comment.
I'll start posting ideas. First, pray! Every great movement starts with prayer. We gather at 10 am on the 10th of the month at I-10 (Tallowood Center) to pray for the trafficking along the I-10 corridor. Secondly, buy and demand free trade products. Chocolate, spices, coffee, cotton are some of the biggest abusers of young children. Download the Free2Work app that grades supply chain of companies. Thirdly, sign petitions at Free the Captives. They are working!
Little steps do great things.
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