“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Home Free

Minutes ago, Euna Lee and Laura Ling, reporters held captive by the North Korean government, stepped off a plane into the arms of their family and the American public. After heart-warming embraces, Laura addressed the world with these words: "The past 140 days have been the most difficult, heart-wrenching days of our lives...When we walked through the doors, we saw standing before us President Bill Clinton. We were shocked but we knew instantly in our hearts that the nightmare of our lives was finally coming to an end, and now we stand here, home and free."

Home and free...

One day we will leave the "nightmare" of our present lives: the difficulty... the loss...the sin... and we will stand before the One who knocks: Jesus... the Lamb who is worthy... the Lion of Judah... the Root of David.... and we will know instantly in our hearts that we are home.

Home and free.

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