“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Friday, November 12, 2021

                            Image: Charles M. Schultz

 This pandemic: the isolation, the masks that cover up your facial expression…and your life. I’ve mostly missed your story. Oh, I’ve enjoyed your happy posts, but I’ve missed your real life stories. 

I wish I could construct a Lucy Booth, not for cheap advice, but to simply listen to your present reality, past hurts, and dreams: broken and still unrealized. A story-keeper booth that only costs time. 

I wonder how the church, the workplace, our neighborhoods would morph if we enlisted story-keepers. When I was a young nurse’s aide, working in a long-term care facility, I’d frequently visit the residents when my shift ended. Oh, the stories of Grumpy Mr. Held’s sorties, life in the Great Depression for many, the Dust Bowl days for mamas trying to keep house. Those tales of courage and sacrifice, hardship and joy matured me, reminding me of my many blessings. I still treasure those storytellers and their accounts; time well spent. Time for them to feel appreciated and be heard. 

Yes, Lucy Van Pelt, move on over; my booth is always open.