“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


For some time, a lifelong friend has asked me to pray for a situation that requires forgiveness. Because one party has not been able to forgive another‘s painful choice, the whole has suffered.  I suppose any one of us could make that same request. 
This thought continues to surface as I faithfully pray:
Could the very act of forgiving someone free that person to see himself as God sees him?
Could forgiveness provide a freedom that might have eternal consequence? 
Just a thought.
Enough for me to take inventory of the people in my life who might need my forgiveness to rise above their past. Might my act of grace help them to see God’s incalculable grace?
Just a thought...

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019


“In solitude we are so bathed in God’s greatness and goodness that we come to see the immense value of our own soul. The result is that we become increasingly freed from our frantic human strivings.”
“In times of solitude, we become enveloped in God’s very presence.”

There is an intimate connection between solitude and silence. Silence, you see, creates in us an open, empty space where we are enabled to become attentive to God. And oh, how we need such open spaces in our modern techno-world with its relentless barrage of “sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Indeed, many people today have become little more than walking “towers of babble.” Richard Foster
My view this week 
I’m pretty protective of my Holy Week...very intentional about preparing my heart for Easter Sunday. I am blessed with solitude on this Maundy Thursday. The chirping of birds, the rumble of an occasional tractor, the sweet aroma of orange blossoms and the Word. Ironically, I feel far from a Gethsemane experience...freedom not pressing-joy not sorrow. But I remember...it is a day for pondering  the significance of the garden, the “shoot that will come forth out of an [olive] stump,” Messiah, our Anointed One, my sin that crushed Him so violently, He sweated blood. 
His pressing in exchange for my peace. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

I usually paint with words, but sometimes you just have to snap a holy moment. This is the picture of contentment. No fancy filters...not interested in covering up my wrinkled life. 
 Overwhelmed with blessing, surrounded by the most wonderful friends, and trusting the One and Only. 