“Because someday all you’re going to care about is telling Jesus stories.” Dallas Jenkins

Monday, January 13, 2025

Mondays with Jesus

 Abba: my word for 2025. It’s a signpost, a word that spurs the direction of my year’s spiritual walk. As I began studying Aramaic last fall, I occasionally bumped into the word Abba.  I love that Jesus called his Father this precious name, but honestly, I’ve felt uncomfortable when others have used it in a manner which seemed all too casual.   My Daddy? How can I call on the majestic, omnipotent, mighty God of the universe in such a fashion? Isn’t it a bit disrespectful to call Him a name so informal and familiar?  But in my digging, I’ve learned it is a title of honor and respect, not a childish expression…a name reflecting great affection, trust, intimacy, confidence and perhaps the hardest, obedience.   I knew immediately I wanted to grow in all the fore-mentioned areas this year and the name Abba would serve as a good reminder. Right up front, I’m asking myself why I’m so uncomfortable? Is it fear of such intimacy or my lack of understanding?

Yet, I have a beautiful suspicion that the more I sit with Jesus, the more I’ll bump into Abba, Father.  Hebrews 1:3 tells us Jesus is the exact imprint of his Father’s nature (ESV) so of course, I want to spend even more time hearing Jesus in the Scriptures this year.  I want to move so close to God that my heart can’t help but approach Him with deep adoration and submission. Even this morning upon arising, I heard myself whisper, I love you, Abba. It’s going to be a profound journey!

Monday, January 6, 2025

Mondays with Jesus

 The first one of 2025! I started with yesterday’s service; the message was so good, I had to hear it again. Shannon Lambert crushed it on the offertory prayer: “extravagant gifts we didn’t even know we needed.”  I spent a lot of time pondering and  thanking Him for my list is long! 

I chose “Enough” for 2024 and that guiding word proved life-sustaining and life-changing. One of the hardest years of my family’s life with another cancer diagnosis, but our  Triune God was enough. We kept running to the Father, Jesus, and the Comforter….cradled in such love was enough!  

The sweetest unexpected gift of 2024 was aloneness. I’m sure that sounds strange; who desires such? 

As a people person, I crave relationship, but God gifted me with long stretches without my people. Perhaps this was God’s plan to draw me closer to Him, proving He truly was enough. And it made my time with others much sweeter. 

Now on to 2025…a new signpost word to guide the new year. Next week I’ll unpack

Monday, December 23, 2024

Mondays with Jesus

 I turned back the pages to Luke this morning and sat by the manger. I’m very acquainted with home births, but the thought of bringing forth life in a filthy stall blows this nurse’s mind.  I am overwhelmed by God’s divine protection of this mother and babe. 

This verse from Mary’s song especially caught my attention this morning: He has filled the hungry with good things, but has sent the rich away empty. Luke 1:53

Oh, how hungry am I; humble me, Lord, so I can recognize all that You have done. Feed me, fill me. 

I never want to walk away empty.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Mondays with Jesus

I’ve been sitting quietly in wonder the past couple of Mondays. This morning, I’ve wondered what the Father/Son reunion was really like when Jesus ascended to Heaven. I can only imagine!

I’m still immersed in the Gospel of John. I would love to sit with him and ask when did he begin to really understand the grandeur of his Rabbi. How did it change this thunderous young man? 

I’ve begun to ask for a guiding word for 2025. I think I have one; hint: Aramaic. Do you start the year with a word? It’s been a great practice for me. In any case, I hope we begin 2025 with the Word. He’s been my faithful “Enough” for 2024 and will be beyond. 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Mondays with Jesus

I’m again planted back in John 1 today-  verses 16 and 17. Grace upon grace!  Oh, what I have received from my Savior: pardon, forgiveness, rescue, patience, mercy, truth and kindness. Kindness upon kindness!  That profound thought moves me to tears. How often did Jesus show kindness to young John, impetuous Simon Peter…the whole lot?  I’m pretty sure He received much less in return. And I’m guilty of it now. 

Oh, please let me not forget to thank and praise Him for his grace, his kindness and let me show the same to everyone during this season. Not to just those who are lovable, but most importantly, to those who neither initiate or respond in like. Kindness without expectation.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Mondays with Jesus

Through the lens of jewish John, I’m on a great adventure with my Lord Jesus. Messiah captured me long ago and now again, in the first verse: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. 

Imagine young John, eyewitness to the encounters, the miracles, the festivals, and most importantly, the illumination of who Jesus really is. I didn’t plan to spend the last two months in John’s Gospel, but God often leads us down a road to reveal Himself in a fresh and profound way. 

The timing coincides with my two hardest months of the year; memories of saying my goodbyes to Rob still revisit me during this season. It is a path I never expected to travel, but honestly, I think I would have never found Jesus with such intimacy without a sudden thrust into this uncharted wilderness. 

So, Jesus and John are taking me along for what I anticipate to be a powerful ride of renewal.  

Where have you been planted for the remainder of the year?

Monday, November 4, 2024

Mondays with Jesus

Oh the voices…so many trying to drown out the Truth. Shutter my ears, Jesus, to the rambling, the opining, the gaslighting…to the celebrities and political pundits competing for air space.  For that’s exactly what it is: AIR!  And fleeting. 

Jesus, help me to listen to the one in the wilderness: turn, prepare, swim against the others. Incline my ear and my whole heart to you, Jesus, for you are the Word, truly there in the beginning and most victoriously appearing in the end. 
